Thursday, April 12, 2012

you can click on images!

Hey!  Some of you may know this already, but mom, I just realized you can click on the images on the blog to see a bigger picture ;)  might be useful cause they display a bit small!

I just realized that it only works for pictures I upload with my computer.  Not images that I post with my phone...


  1. i don't like how blogger is different on the phone app than on the computer! I am so used to how you can edit your post with the little icon in the bottom right of a post but that isn't available with the phone version. I do love the convenience of being able to blog from my phone though!!

    1. I wish they had that edit icon on the main blog (not just viewing an individual post). I also like the convenience but I've found that the pictures I upload via the phone are so small! Really low-resolution and with the re-sizing, there's some sort of weird checkerboard interlacing going on. So usually I just post when I get home.

    2. Hey! No Anonymous posting :P I know who you are!
